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Lightweight Tartan
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Fabric, Tartan, Wool, Heavyweight Twill 512g
Scottish Products
Tartan Fabric and Plaid Materials
Heavyweight Twill 512
Fabric, Tartan, Wool, Heavyweight Twill 512g
A fine heavyweight Pure New Wool Kiltmaking tartan in Ross Red with kilting selvedge as standard. This is the best Heavyweight Value for Money (16oz) and an industry bestseller. Tartan fabric offered in double width 147cm (58in) wide. 3.66m (4 yards) is required for an 8yd kilt.
(without tax)
(£72.00 inc vat)
Size: 147 cm (58in) wide
512g/lm (16oz) Pure New Wool
Ideal for kiltmaking
Excellent value
Quantity: (in Metres)
Graphic display is a guide only
Anderson Modern
Anderson Ancient
Anderson Muted
Baird Modern
Black Watch Modern
Brodie Hunting Modern
Brodie Red Modern
Buchanan Ancient
Buchanan Hunting Modern
Caledonia No 155 Ancient
California State Ancient
Cameron of Erracht Ancient
Cameron of Erracht Muted
Cameron of Erracht Modern
Campbell Ancient
Campbell of Argyll Modern
Campbell of Argyll Ancient
Campbell of Cawdor Modern
Campbell of Loudoun Modern
Carmichael Ancient
Carmichael Modern
Carnegie Ancient
Chisholm Hunting Ancient
Colquhoun Modern
Cornish Hunting Modern
Cornish National Modern
Cunningham (VS) Modern
Davidson Modern
Davidson Ancient
Davidson Muted
Douglas Ancient
Douglas Modern
Douglas Grey Dress Modern
Drummond of Perth Modern
Farquharson Ancient
Ferguson of Athol Modern
Forbes Modern
Fraser Hunting Ancient
Fraser of Lovat Muted
Fraser of Lovat Modern
Fraser Red Modern
Gordon Ancient
Gordon Modern
Gordon Dress Modern
Graham of Menteith Ancient
Graham of Menteith Modern
Graham of Menteith (Red) Modern
Grant Hunting Ancient
Grant or Drummond Modern
Gunn Ancient
Gunn Modern
Hamilton Hunting Ancient
Henderson MacKendrick Ancient
Henderson MacKendrick Muted
Henderson MacKendrick Modern
Home or Hume Modern
Hunter Modern
Irish American Modern
Isle of Skye
Keith and Austin Modern
Kerr Modern
Lamont Modern
Lamont Ancient
Lennox Modern
Leslie Modern
Leslie Hunting Modern
Lindsay Modern
Lochaber Weathered
MacArthur Modern
MacCallum/Malcolm Modern
MacDonald Modern
MacDonald Ancient
MacDonald of Clanranald Muted
MacDonald of Clanranald Ancient
MacDonald of Clanranald Modern
MacDonald of the Isles VS Modern
MacDonald of the Isles VS Ancient
MacDougall Ancient
MacDuff Modern
MacFarlane Hunting Modern
MacGregor Hunting Glengyle Modern
MacInnes Modern
MacKay Ancient
MacKay Modern
MacKay Modern
MacKenzie Ancient
MacKenzie Modern
MacKinnon Hunting Ancient
MacKintosh Hunting Modern
MacLean of Duart Modern
MacLean of Duart Weathered
MacLean of Duart Hunting Modern
MacLean of Duart Hunting Ancient
MacLennan (or Logan) Weathered
MacLennan (or Logan) Ancient
MacLeod Modern
MacLeod Ancient
MacLeod Dress Modern
MacMillan Old Modern
MacNaughton Dress Modern
MacNeil Ancient
MacPherson Ancient
MacPherson Modern
MacPherson Hunting
MacPherson Hunting (Old & Rare) Modern
MacRae Hunting Modern
MacRae Hunting Ancient
Manx Hunting Weathered
Maxwell Modern
Menzies Hunting Modern
Morgan (MacKay Blue) Ancient
Murray of Atholl Ancient
Murray of Atholl Modern
Ramsay Blue Modern
Robertson Modern
Robertson Ancient
Robertson Hunting Ancient
Robertson Hunting Modern
Ross Modern
Royal Stewart Modern
Scotland the Brave Modern
Scott Weathered
Scott Hunting Muted
Scott Red Modern
Scottish National Modern
Shaw Ancient
Smith Ancient
Spirit of Scotland Modern
St Andrews Earl of Modern
Stewart Black Modern
Stewart Hunting Modern
Stewart Hunting Ancient
Stewart of Appin Hunting Ancient
Stewart Old.. Ancient
Stewart Prince Charles Edward Modern
Stewart, Grey (Victoria) Modern
Stewart, Grey (Victoria)
Sutherland Old Modern
Sutherland Old Ancient
Taylor Ancient
Thompson Hunting Ancient
Wallace Modern
Watson Ancient
Western Isles Modern
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9 - 11 East High Street
CRIEFF, Perthshire, Scotland
Tel +44 1764 656671
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